Fundamenting studies ■ Studies evaluating projects impact ■ Evaluation studies of organizational performance ■ Urban Development studies■ Evaluation studies of psychi-organizational climate ■ Studies on development disparities ■ Consumer research studies

Studies among employees

Internal studies investigate the entire population of employees of the organization, of some departments or levels of hierarchy.

The most common types of studies conducted among employees are:

– Studies that measure employee satisfaction

– Studies to evaluate the psychosocial climate

– Studies identifying the elements of organizational culture

– Analysis of the performaces of the job

– Analysis of individual potential employees

To each category corresponds an unique study research methodology, developed and improved over time by analysing many organizational systems. For studies that evaluate psychosocial climate, Addvances has developed its own methodology, tested and perfected during more than 10 years.

Psychosocial climate is a concept of organizational psychology and summerizes how individuals feel and perceive company’s operations. This climate is, as the sociologists say, an intermediate variable between the characteristics of the organization and those of the individual.

The climate is, for members of an organization, a standard example to which they relate to hope, to adopt strategies and to shape their own emotional reaction. In this way, individual behaviour is adjusting to the company’s operational system. This can lead to satisfaction-dissatisfaction, balance-conflict and ultimately efficency – inefficiency.

Climatul psihosocial este multidimensional, studiile companiei Addvances evaluând 14 componente fundamentale sau dimensiuni ale climatului, care constituie indicatori relevanţi ai stării psihosociale a întreprinderii, respectiv: Coerenţa strategiei şi funcţionării, Politica de deschidere socială, Confort material şi moral, Claritatea sarcinii şi a rolului, Disponibilitatea şi fluiditatea informaţiei, Supleţe în supervizare sau stilul de conducere, Încurajarea ideilor inovatoare şi a iniţiativei, Spiritul de echipă, Calitatea relaţiilor personale, Sentimentul de echitate, Responsabilitate, Autonomie, Implicare-Motivare, Libertatea de expresie şi Luarea în considerare.

Our studies evaluate 14 fundamental components or dimensions of the climate, which are relevant indicators of psychosocial status of the company: strategy and operation consistancy, social openness policy, financial and moral comfort, task and role clarity, availability and flow of information, flexibility in supervision or management style, encouraging innovative ideas and initiative, team spirit, the quality of personal relationships, sense of fairness, responsability, autonomy, involvment- motivation, freedom of expression, consideration.

Evaluation of psychosocial climate is made through a quantitative study, self-administrated. Company employees receive complex questionnaires that are anonymous  and confidential. Top management has acces only to the result of the study.

Weekly analysis

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