The objective of these services is to make an effective government by improving strategic planing and also by developing the ability to create public policies. Strategic planning is one of the tools that local communities can use to make sure that policies and programs meet citizen expectations and needs for sustainable development.
Strategic planning is a process in several stages through which the community can create the image of the future from present potential and resources and trace their paths to achieve that future.
Strategiile de dezvoltare durabilă sunt elaborate în cadrul unui proces participativ, conform modelelor de bună practică utilizate în Statele Membre ale Uniunii Europene şi definesc o traiectorie clară pentru viitorul comunităţii, identificând paşii necesari de urmat pentru dezvoltarea fiecărui sector de activitate, conform nevoilor, problemelor şi potenţialului localităţii. Sustainable development strategies are developed in a participatory process according to the models of good practice from European Union Member States, and define a clear path for the future of the community, identifying steps to be followed for the development of each sector according to the village needs ,problems and potential.
A particular development strategy is the Smart Specialization Strategy that intends to steer all efforts of an area economy specialization around a development priority. Smart specialization aproaches the difficult problem of prioritization and resource allocation decisions, offering the opportunity to demonstrate which are the most promising areas for future regional development.