The period 2005 – 2006 was marked by a segnificant jump of the company, both in terms of services offered and markets served, and especially in terms of consultants team development. All these made Addvances be ready for the period after the integration in the European Union.

In mid-2007, Addvances was already active nationally and internationally, within the CBC Programme, in developing strategies and marketing studies.  At that time, the company’s specific areas of expertise were: research-innovation strategies (RIS), strategies for cross-border economic and social cooperation, strategies to attract foreign investment and fundamenting studies for the private sector and also sales, marketing and distribution strategies. 2007 is the year in which Addvances is becoming a major player in the market of consultancy services.


ADDVANCES headquarters is in Iasi, Romania. The company has two local offices in Brussels (Belgium) and Bucharest (Romania).

ROMANIA - headquarters
A: Iasi, 155 Soseaua Nicolina
T: 0040 728­ 082 102
F: 0040 332­ 404 729
E: Office@Addvances.ro